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GoNoodle Spotlight

Check out this weekend's exciting selection of videos picked out for the GoNoodle Spotlight.

  • Sponsored5:18

    Practice your HAPPY mind/body connection with your classmates and Matt Maxey. Every body, all together!

  • 1:45

    Pat your head and rub your tummy in this classic coordination exercise.

  • 2:33

    Sometimes, we make mistakes, but that’s okay. Let’s sing, dance, and reset to The Start Again Song.

Kick Off Math Awareness Month

April is Math Awareness Month and we've got a great collection to help celebrate all month long.

Breathing Exercises for Focusing and Settling

Focus and settle your feelings and thoughts with these helpful breathing and other exercises.

Explore The Rest of GoNoodle

  • Empower Tools
    Empower Tools
  • Express Yourself
    Express Yourself
  • School's Out
    School's Out
  • Math Awareness Month
    Math Awareness Month
  • Kindergarten


Learning Center: Arts and Crafts

Help students explore their creativity with these and more arts and crafts videos and activities.

Recently Watched

  • 1:43

    Get rid of anxiety and frustration with these relaxing bee breaths.

  • 4:34

    Practice getting your mind and body moving with this calming mindfulness exercise.

  • Sponsored2:54

    Are you ready to complete the hardest maze EVER to appear on the back of a children’s restaurant menu? Dodge, duck, and jump with Rock, Paper, and Scissors before time runs out!

  • 12:28

    Move along to this awesome 10-minute mega mix of your favorite GoNoodle videos.

Popular On GoNoodle

  • 2:59

    Grab your best friend and clap along with The Best Tees!

  • 1:34

    Sing, dance, and POP, POP, POP the bubbles with Flo Yo!

  • 4:03

    There’s a lot of things that can make us worry. Worrying can make our bodies hurt or our muscles tense! The Mooderators are here to help you relax a little.

  • 2:21

    Your hands are high, your feet are low, now show us how you POP SEE KO!